Wednesday, May 11, 2016

God is A Gardener

So much of the time we hear of God as a warrior, a protector, a guardian. But are there any other “job descriptions” that God has? I went looking for one, because I felt there had to be another way. I went looking for God not for war but for peace. I went looking for God not as one more voice for violence but for peace.

I found one, and it is an amazingly large one. God is a Gardener. 

God will till, plow, plant, water, weed, prune, harvest, feed the people, and give us a dream for what is yet to come.

It then falls to us to follow God’s lead. Planting, watering, pruning, harvesting, sharing, and dreaming. 
Let us grow not just plants but souls. Not just our own spirits but the spirits of those around us. Helping each other to grow deeper in God. Supporting each other in times of storm and drought. Stripping away the things that separate us from God’s love. Creating a harvest of joy and peace. Always remembering to continue to dream, not just our own dreams, but God’s dreams. 

Matthew 5.2-11
Blessed are those who know the garden isn’t theirs, but tend it anyway.
Blessed are those who’s sadness waters the garden, joy shall rise up around them.
Blessed are those who work without being pushy, everything will come up in its time.
Blessed are those who are focused on God’s harvest, knowing the grace that is coming.
Blessed are those who plant mercy around them, their crop will be huge.
Blessed are those who are looking for God, God will always be near them.
Blessed are those who grow peace, God has made them children of the Garden.

Blessed are those who are made fun of for working in God’s Garden, many before you were treated the same way and God cared for them, watched over them, and made them prosper.

Sermon Titles 
God Planted a Garden
God Planted the Human
A Land of Plenty
What is sown is reaped.
You Never Know what might Grow or where.
What Grows Dies First
How is it with your Soil
Fruit or Firewood
Transplants and Graftings
When in Drought
Wheat and Weeds
The Growing Belongs to God
Cut it Back to Make it Grow
Leave the Leftovers
Abundance comes from God
Bring God the Harvest
A Giving of Thanks
The Garden That is to Come (I have this one set as the Sunday before Advent)