Tuesday, January 17, 2017

KOG: Dandelion Poof

The kingdom of Heaven is like a Dandelion poof. Though it is one of the smallest of seeds, those seeds are blown on the wind to wherever they can take root. Roots that grow as deep as they can, and can only be removed by digging. Roots that if left alone will always spout anew. In the shallowest and roughest of places they grow and prosper. In the most manicured and precise of lawns they take root and prosper. As they prosper they send out other seeds on the wind throughout the earth.

Matthew 13:31–32, Mark 4:30–32, and Luke 13:18–19

KOG: Writer

The kingdom of God is like a writer. Whose publisher put her book on shelves in every bookshop, grocery store, and market that would take it.
Some people read the cover and never took it off the shelf.
Some people read the cover and took the book home, where it sat on their shelf and was never read.
Some people took the book home, read it from cover to cover wrote a little review for their social media but never really changed anything.
One group took the book home, read it thoroughly, marked it up, shared it with their friends, and used it to make life better for those around them.