Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today is a class. There is ALWAYS a test tomorrow.

Today is a class. There is ALWAYS a test tomorrow. How do you want your grades? Paychecks? Smiles? Respect?

I am always learning something. Sometimes I learn a thing that I set out to learn. Most times I learn things that I could never imagine. Often I learn the right and the wrong way to do a thing all at the same time. 

The things that I am learning each day often find a use in the days to come. And those lessons both sought and unlooked for play a part in passing tests that come my way.

Tests that are not always announced that they are tests. Tests that even when announced the content is unexpected. Tests that you don’t realize you took till the grade comes in. 

Each test I have taken has shown me some new things to learn. Things I already knew but could do better. And things that I THOUGHT I knew but didn’t really have a clue.

I have failed many tests, but since the class of life never ends, I have had a chance to retake those tests. 
Tests of honesty. Tests of loyalty. Tests of confidentiality. Tests of endurance (mental and physical). Tests of patience. 

Each of these tests has a grade. Most of the time its a pass/fail. Sometimes even a passing grade won’t get you much, some tests seen to be worth more, or weighted differently depending on the person or the context. Sometimes the only person who grades the test will be you. But I guarantee that when you least expect it, there will be somebody else watching that test.

The grades are not always straight forward. There are no letters or GPA. But a smile or a complement is a passing grade. But a tear or a slammed door is a fail. A job offer or a pay raise is a pass. A loss of trust and conflict is a fail.

What you will learn is up to you.
How you engage the tests is your choice.
But you are being graded, and the ultimate grade will determine your success, and happiness.

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