Friday, March 1, 2013

Where would you like to find it?

An organization tip: If you had to find an item in an extreme hurry some random Thursday afternoon where would you like to find it? Put it there.

If you had to find an item
This could be anything. Your keys. Your school books. A pay check/stub. Your passport. Legal papers. Your clothes. 

In an extreme hurry
The phone rings, you needed to be at the hospital 10min ago.
A set of police cars are sitting out front of your house. 
A letter from the bank.
An airplane is deliberately off course.

On some random Thursday afternoon
Emergencies never announce themselves with enough time to prepare. 
They never get scheduled with forms filled out in triplicate.

Where would you like to find it
I won’t tell you where you should find it. I do have opinions on it though. Each of us has different patterns and things that drive us. But do spend a moment each time you handle an item as to where it should be. 

Put it there
Don’t wait to shift things around. Do it now. Minimize the scramble. Lessen the frantic rushing. When that item leaves your hand and you are finished using it, it should be in the place you want to find it next time. 
Even if that spot is across the house. Next time you will have to cross that space AGAIN but this time it will be in a panic because IT WASN’T THERE. Go put it back.

I have opinions on certain items. 
Keys should be near the door closest to the car, but out of reach of little ones that shouldn’t have access to them. OR in the bag that is always grabbed on your way to anywhere. (We will talk about bags later)
School books should be in your bag. Yes, your books will come out to be used but when you are done with the book put back in the bag. Homework is the same way, until it is handed in. I remember both and I still have books I’m reading and papers that I’m working on/with.
Pay check/stub should be filled. Either at the bank so it goes in your account or in a file at home with others of its kind so it can be called on for taxes and school loan issues.
Passports are either in a file at home or in a safe spot with you. Other than your drivers license this is one of the most important identifying documents you have. More so if you are outside your home country.
Legal papers are filed by subject(other papers that are like it) and chronology (the order in time in which they happened)
Clothes should be clean and put away. Clean, why would you want to put on dirty clothes? Put away in dresser drawers or bins for each type of clothing. We are looking for speed of getting dressed in the morning.
Take it up a notch? Pick out what you will wear the next day and lay it out the night before. 
Take it up ?too far? I know of a professor that would by 7 new suits every year. With a tie to match. One suit for every day. And always the same color dress shirt. He always knew what he was going to wear the next day.

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