Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pack Properly: for the adventure sometimes comes looking for you.

Pack Properly: 
Not just for the adventures you go looking for but for the adventure that finds you.

I have written in another place in this blog the items that I have packed. But now I will tell you WHY. 
Its because I have gone on adventures. Its because I love to read about adventures. Its because I love to play video games about grand adventures. Its because I have studied the grand adventures of the past. 

In each story, there is ALWAYS some item that the main character must find, must build, must claim. They never pack it. 

On my adventures: some with my family, some during my times at camp, there was always the chance to pack something.
I learned early on to ask two kinds of questions about the adventure. How long will we be gone from home? What will the weather be like?
I also had several adventures involving school. There were 2 great questions there as well. What do I need to turn in? What things will I need to complete the assignment?

Sometimes you get a packing list. For an adventure climbing mountains you will need different gear that going on a canoe trip. And there are lists for school supplies, and reading lists for each class.  

Sometimes you don’t get a packing list. And then you have to make one up based on the kinds of adventures you have already had. Or get advice from others

So I started keeping track of the things that I was consistently wishing that I had with me. I also wound up finding a community of people that had also kept track of those same kinds of items. I took notes and incorporated some of their ideas.

I know that I am not packed for EVERY adventure. But to do so would require that I carry around SO much stuff that I would be more worried about the stuff and would miss the point of the adventure. Or I would be so worried about not having the right stuff with me that I would spend all my time gathering the gear but never use it. 

I have discovered that even when I’m not looking for an adventure I am less concerned because my bag is packed not just for the adventure that I’m already on. But also packed for adventures that might come looking for me. But it is also not so full that I can’t add other things to it since half the adventure is adding to your skills and gear the things you find/claim.

Is your bag packed? Go have an adventure.

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